Helo,dan Assalamualaikum ! :) weeee hari ni mcm happy kot? nak tahu sebab apa? haaa..sebabnya.. pmr trial akan ditangguhkan selama seminggu! YEAY ! maknanya sempat lagilah kot nak buat revision banyak-banyak. err,revision kepala hotak kau, silibus pmr pun belum habis baca.haha whataverr. bermakna,31 Julai ni baru start exam :D mula2 tahu mcm hepi gila
babi ,tapi lepas tu rasa tertekan nak
mampos kot? sebabnya..itu bermakna.. time SJ release album baru,aku tk boleh nak
ON lah!! err..habis exam 4.8, diorang release album baru tuh 3,8 .. ermmm tkpa lah,sehari je terlepas. weh weh,mana boleh ! rezaqq gilewww.org nak jadi orang terawal tau tengok MV baru diorang ...orang dh tk sabar gileww ni,tahu..huurmm harap2 lah masa last day exam tuh ,tinggal satu paper je lagi.jadi may be boleh lah kot aku ambil masa senggang malam 3.8 tu untuk check out MY hubby..hahaha :P Oh ya ! korang tahu tk, tarikh trial tuh,
31 julai 2011 tuh,ialah tarikh Birthday Boyfriend aku lah ! hehehehe <3 happy birthday for him yang ke
16 !! baby cayang by canad cad taww. err,sila muntah xD wanna see my Boyfriend? check it out yoo~~~ tapi aku cakap awl2 k,aku tk suka ada awek nk rmpas boyfriend aku.muahahah,gilerr ..aku suke die dulu. KBAI
no min woo . <3
Boyfriend`s maknae.
MY BOYFRIEND in fantasy life,LOL. but in reality pun aku ttp tk suka ada org lain suka dia,ggrrr.so,lps ni jgn ada sesiapa berani ambil dia dari aku..kalau ada yg berani jugak,aku kasi bom kat korang! argghhh ^^ korg tk fhm ke perasaan aku..huahuaa *PEACE NO WAR :P *
hehe..lepastu.. 1 august tuh birthday Tiffany from snsd pulaks..ayyoyoo ramainya. dan !!!!! sebelum terlupa lah yer.18 julai 2011 pulak birthday Tae min !!!!! yeah,SHinee`s maknae birthday <3 My boyfriend jgk ni..and i still love him like hell very much la..hahahaha , Happy Birthday Tae min !!! happy 18th years living in ths world ! saranghae,foreverr ! :)

<------------- cantik yang amat ! mcm Fairy !
hey hey ilabiulah----------->
Lee Tae Min . i fell in love to him on my first sight . he`s really a kind of funny boy, errr, i mean man. *he`s turn 18 ths year*
macam dah tersasul dari niat sebenar buat entri je aku nih..hahaha , actually saja jer nak wish awal2 bday pkwe2 aku nih,cause takut tk sempat nak wish sebab mana tahu kan,lepas ni aku dh tk boleh update blog or like that lah.. i wish you all ah Happy day !! :) thnks for reading my blog, and DONT SEIZED my pakwe okay..err i hate prowler ,more than anything . okay,i need to go. i think i`ll crzy if i keep in touch texting ths entry
*thy are MINE.LOL , i hate myself for getting like ths. -.-
so, GOODLUCK for all pmr canddidates for ths year !! hope u all get well in ths trial exam,and so for myself :) SALAM !!
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